UofT St. George Campus Walkout: March 20th at Noon

Over the last several weeks, we have been calling upon U of T administration to take a bold stance and stand with us as we advocate against the reckless changes to post-secondary education that will negatively impact students across the province.
If you haven’t already signed onto the petition calling on the University to say no to implementing the Student Choice Initiative, sign here: http://bit.ly/2H0HG6S
We are working to ensure as many students can participate as possible without threat of penalty. We will be posting updates as quickly as we receive them.
- 10am: Sid Smith, Breakfast and Banners
- 12PM: Sid Smith, Walk Out
- 1PM: Rally at Simcoe Hall
Building Access Information for Sid Smith:
- Accessible ramp to the left of the Huron Street entrance.
- Single user washroom on main level.
If you have any questions or want to get involved:
- Email: [email protected]
- Subject Line: UofT Walk Out
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/565152223978818/