OUCC statement on July 29 Day of Action for a #SafeSeptember

OUCC statement on July 29 Day of Action for a #SafeSeptember

Members of the Ontario Universities and Colleges Coalition (OUCC), which represents over 435,000 faculty, staff, and students from every public postsecondary institution in Ontario, stand in solidarity with students, educators, and parents in their demand for adequate public funding to allow for a safe reopening of schools in September.

As students, educators, and workers in the postsecondary sector, we know the value of a well-funded public education system. We also know the dangers of an underfunded one, as it marginalizes already disadvantaged children and jeopardizes our collective future.

Schools provide much more than academic lessons to students; they provide social and emotional skills and support, meals, community, physical exercise, and more. Our public schools are essential for addressing racial and socioeconomic inequalities, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified existing injustices in our communities.

We share the concerns of our colleagues in the elementary and secondary education systems regarding the Ford government’s reckless and poorly-designed plans for reopening schools in September.

We support their position that a safe reopening of schools is only possible through adequate public funding to protect the health and safety of students, educators, and workers at schools and on campuses.

We call on the Ontario government to step up and invest in the education and safety of students at Ontario’s schools. It is only with adequate public funding that schools will be able to safely open in September. Seven cents per student, per day is not enough funding to protect our students, educators, and workers.


  • Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF)
  • Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)–Ontario University Sector
  • Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA)
  • Ontario College Faculty (OPSEU CAAT-A)
  • Canadian Federation of Students–Ontario (CFS-O)
  • Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC Ontario Region)