OCAD Walkout: March 20th at Noon

On March 20, 2019 Students of OCAD University will be walking out of class at 12:00pm to send a clear message to the Ford Government that NO DECISIONS are to be made without the consultation of the students. We will not accept this attack on post-secondary education, OSAP and student democracy. We will walk out of 100 McCaul and organize at a near location for a student town hall where we will be discussing the detrimental reforms the government is proposing. Speakers will be present, snacks will be provided. For those who do not feel comfortable in large groups, please join the walk out, there will be student ushers facilitating the walk out and will guide you to a more comfortable space. The Students United Will Never Be Defeated!
We are looking for volunteers for class talks, tabling, outreach and joining our planned actions.
Please contact the Student Union at:
For volunteers: [email protected]
General inquiries: [email protected]