This meeting is for all UTSC students, staff, and faculty that want to be apart of this movement and who want to have a say in how we move forward.The evening will feature a brief overview of the changes and what they will mean for our community, but the majority of the space will be used to give community members the space to generate ideas of what our movement will look like in the coming weeks.
The Ottawa PSE Coalition invites you and your members to attend our upcoming coalition meeting. We are a group of students and community members that are concerned about the announced changes to OSAP and post-secondary funding as well as how student fees will be collected. We know that these changes will cause uncertain work conditions for staff and faculty, less access to education and lower the value of students’ education.
We Are The Students Ryerson would like to invite you and your members to attend our upcoming coalition meeting. We are a group of students and community members that are concerned about the announced changes to OSAP and post-secondary funding as well as how student fees will be collected. We know that these changes will cause uncertain work conditions for staff and faculty, less access to education and lower the value of students’ education.
A statment by the We Are the Student Ryerson Coaltion in response to the January 17th provincial government announcement of sweeping rollbacks to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), funding for Ontario colleges and universities and dramatically altering how student fees are administered.